• Q1

    Why paying attention to safety, assurance and environment is important?

    It is social obligation of firms to consider safety, assurance and environment which are main concern of today’s customers.
    The certified manufacturer shall act upon the safety of customer such as use of F☆☆☆☆categorized raw materials, adhesive and painting (which the use of formaldehyde is low) during production.
    The wood used for furniture shall also be procured from legal wood supply companies.
    The responsibility of certified manufacturer is not only to accomplish furniture in Japan, but it’s also obliged to fulfill social responsibilities as well.

  • Q2

    Why excluding raw materials from requirement?

    We feel that it is important for us to present furniture that represents Japanese artisan craftmanship cultivated over long period of time. In order to make it possible, we feel optimal raw materials including which of those manufactured in overseas should be allowed to use.

  • Q3

    Why is the production process, including the manufacture of components of the furniture must be accomplished in Japan?

    Looking at the furniture very carefully, you will notice that it is consisted of many components (parts).
    Manufacturing this components is, in fact, a key technology backed by long experience, and it is essential that this process must be done in Japan for us to name “Made in Japan” furniture.

  • Q4

    Why is the wood used in wood furniture must be procured from legal wood suppliers?

    Illegal logging decrease forests that results in the shortage of water through evaporation. This causes fires and droughts which would lead to global warming, has adverse effect on eco system, damages sustainable forest management and may cause destruction of local community.
    Therefore, enhancing procurement of legally logged wood is extremely important for us to promote environment protection.

  • Q5

    Why shall manufacturer be ready for maintenance and repair?

    Customer has special fondness for the furniture they use and there is always a demands for maintenance and repair. To meet these needs, we have organized the repair network system that able customer to use furniture comfortably for long period of time.

  • Q6

    Why is the copy or use without any prior written consents and patents prohibited?

    Originality in design is one of the reason why customer choses particular furniture.
    Our certified manufacturer respects it and are determined not to infringe rights of other’s design and idea.

International Funiture Fair Tokyo